Wednesday, April 2, 2014


My fellow teacher and friend, Dave, who taught english, had a very interesting student teacher (Paul) many years ago and one of the classes Dave and another teacher , Nancy, taught was called Literature of Social Criticism. Paul was a very enthusiastic, if somewhat naive, young fellow who liked everyone and certainly would not intentionally insult anybody. For This particular year, two of the books they were studying was Nigger by the famous black comedian and civil rights leader, Dick Gregory and Black like Me, by Dallas journalist, John Howard Griffin. One day Dave was a few books short and sent Paul to Nancy's class to get two of Gregory's books and one of Griffins. He burst into Nancy's room and enthusiastically said that mister ____________needs two Niggers and a Black Like me. (Paul was white) The room burst into laughter and when things had calmed down a young African-American male in the back of the room, stood and said, “Alright, alright, I'll go.” Needless to say (I'm going to say it anyway) that brought on a lot more laughter than the original statement by Paul.

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