Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hello, my friends and welcome to my blog,

let me introduce myself.  I had 29 wonderful years as a teacher in the Jefferson County, Kentucky school system at the high school level.  I am married to the marvelous Vivian Stewart McAdams and will soon celebrate our 46th wedding anniversary.  We have two great sons, Brian and Jeff and two beautiful and charming grandchildren, Grace, born in 2006, and Davidson, born,  2009.

For many years I have told stories in amazing profusion about my life as a teacher and coach and they were always popular, at least until i had told the same person the same story two or three times.  I was telling some of the stories to a co-volunteer and mother of one of my former students and she enthusiastically encouraged me to write a book.  I had considered it in the past but this really got me excited, and since that time I have written about 60-70 pages.  I think that the product is quite good.

A few days ago, Vivian suggested that I produce them in the form of a blog and thus this blog was born.  Some of the entries will be the telling of occurrences that took place in the classroom, most are funny, some are hilarious, some are sad and some are serious.  Other entries will be about the job, my feelings on issues concerning education and occasionally rants, but I will try to be kind.

May I take this time to thank lots of people including member of my core and extended family, people I have worked with and most of all to my former pupils who have provided me with this amazing plethora of material with which to work.  My students were an incredible lot and I spent much of my days on the job with a smile on my face.  My relationship with my students was more open than most and we treated each other with great respect, that was truly a two way relationship.

I hope you will enjoy my writings and I think high school is something we all remember fondly or not fondly, but worth some reflection.


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