Thursday, June 5, 2014

Following the rules

I was perceived by many teachers as a troublemaker, because I brought up problem in our system within the school.  If a rule was instituted and I didn't like it, I said so and tried to discuss it.  It was then assumed that I would not follow that rule.  That would be wrong.  I was and am a chronic rules follower.  An example was the rule that if a student was tardy one time, mark them as tardy. second time assign additional work and the third time refer them to the front off where some asst. Principal would assign them some punishment.  I always followed that rule.  Ironically, I saw some of those same people who thought of me as a rebel allow student in and never mark them tardy at all.

One day, Becky, one of the nicest and best students I ever had and whose mother worked in the central office down stairs, was late and,being the fine person that she was, she was running to get to my class since she knew I would follow the rule.  As she approached the door the tone sounded and she was officially late.  Becky fell and slid into my door and hit her shin on it which, I am sure hurt a lot.  Since Becky was a softball players, I made the appropriate safe gesture moving my arms from center to the outside and calling, "safe." It was a bit mean but, later, Becky and I laughed about it. To add insult to injury, it was her third tardy.  I had to write her up and send her away.  Here is the type of family these people were.  They were.  Both Becky and her mother totally understanding and stood behind me.  I really had a great situation, for the most part.


  1. i remember when they said they were thinking about instituting the uniforms at Seneca. the way they went about it was unfair and i remember that you were very vocal about that. i think we all appreciated feeling like a teacher was on our side and was brave enough to to speak out against something that we didn't think was right.

    1. You are absolutely right, Krista, although the reasons for uniforms were valid, I just thought that an infringement on the honor of the student and I thought the decisions should have met with approval from parents and others not involved directly with the running of the school.
